Practical Tips for Using Gamble in Real Life: Knowing When to Roll the Dice

At its core, all gambling relies on luck. Once you’ve accepted that, it’s possible to implement a variety of strategies that can help you out. Using practical tips can help you whenever you decide to take a gamble, especially with games that rely on both luck and the wits of the player. We’ve gathered some of those tips below, so you’ll always know when to roll the dice.

Choosing a Casino

First and foremost, you should always seek out the best casinos to gamble with. For land-based casinos in the US, most report to the relevant state gambling commissions and other authorities. This means you don’t need to worry about their legitimacy.

On the internet, it can be a different story. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of authentic iGaming providers that host slots, poker and other unique games online. The most secure sites are popular, require an ID-verified account and have a real-world address tied to the business. Check out the Paddy Power online casino for an example of one of the UK’s leading iGaming sites. Websites that have a strong brand presence and a wide selection of games tend to be the better option for online gambling.


Find Your Game

If you want to gamble, you may have a certain casino game in mind already. If you don’t, you should find the game you’re most interested and get familiar with it. It’s much easier to learn the rules for one game than all of them, especially for a beginner.


For slots, that means learning the paytable and other rules that impact gameplay. They’re often displayed on the slot itself, either on a rule sheet or incorporated into the slot’s case design. With digital slots, you can find that information with the click of a button. This is useful, as one online slot will have different features when compared to another.


As for casino classics like card games, you should figure out if you prefer blackjack or poker. Both are insanely popular, though they play very differently. Blackjack is easier to learn and much faster-paced. As a result, it follows a rigid gameplay formula and the popular tips are equally strict – like never hitting if your two cards total 17 or higher. You play against the dealer, not other players, so you don’t need to worry about card sharks and mind games.



In poker, mind games are half of the appeal. It’s a longer game between competing players, who are all trying to do their best with the hand they’re dealt. Often, that involves over or underexaggerating the value of your hand. With this game, beginner gamblers should remember that it’s still a game of luck. Don’t be afraid of folding often if you keep getting dealt bad hands. Only play hands that can make it to the river, you shouldn’t be bluffing every round.

Needless to say, you should know your card values before touching any of these games. You can learn everything you need to know about playing cards at Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Avoid Insurance/Side Bets

If blackjack is your game of choice, you should stay away from side bets, including insurance. These bets predict what kind of cards will appear in your or the dealer’s hand. They can be quite attractive, especially if there’s a jackpot involved, though they tend to be distractions that give worse odds than a well-played blackjack table.


Other gamblers prefer the total luck of a roulette wheel. A roulette wheel strategy is different from most other games, since there is nothing that you can do to influence the outcome of your wagers. Instead, enthusiasts suggest playing at European roulette wheels (those with one zero, for 37 total pockets) over American double-zero wheels. The differences between American and European roulette wheels have been covered by Yahoo! Finance

As for the safest wagers, it’s a common tactic to bet close to 50/50. No wager on a roulette wheel is truly 50/50, thanks to the zero(s), but betting red or black, or even or odds, will get you close. These are called the outside bets and give better odds than hoping for a single number, where the odds are 1/37 or 38 on American roulette wheels.


Practice For Free

If at all possible, you should try and get some hands-on experience with the casino games you’re interested in. Those who learn by doing will have an easier time gambling after you’ve spun a few reels or survived a few flops. Thanks to the magic of the internet, it’s possible to play many games with free trials that are given to newcomers.

In the real world, you can buy a deck of cards and practice games like blackjack and poker with some friends. It won’t change your luck when the cards get drawn, but you might get better at knowing when to hit or when to bluff.

Pace Your Wagers

Once you’ve decided to roll the dice, you should always pace your wagers. This means you should set some money aside for your bankroll and then only bet a small percentage of it at a time. This allows you to get more spins or rounds, meaning you can play for longer.

Most abide by the 3% rule when playing table games. This is where you never put over 3% of your bankroll on a single wager. Every casino game has its ups and downs, so keeping your wagers small makes it easier to manage those ebbs and flows during gameplay.


Keep a Clear Head

While some recreational activities are great at relieving stress, gambling isn’t one of them. Instead, it’s best to gamble when you have a clear head.

This is certainly the case for games like poker, where a player can tilt. That happens when the player stops thinking rationally, maybe due to another player’s tactics. You’re less competitive when you’re not playing rationally, so it’s best to step away in those situations.  Setting a time limit beforehand is another tactic you can use to manage your play time, along with taking periodic breaks.